the art of handpoking / ceremonial tattoo


Tattoos are older than any living written language on this earth.

Handpoking/skin marking is an ancient ritual used in tribes and indigenous communities all over the world and HAS been since humans landed on earth.

This is ancient form of cultural expression, tattoos communicate the fundamentals of existence & deeply symbolise who we have been, what we wish to embody/symbolise/initiate and what we wish to carry into the next lives.

Tattoos were used as strong/powerful initiations for men & women, profound healing, up-levelling, connecting with the gods, connecting with spiritual beings and other dimensional realms, protection tools, purification tools, transformation and so much more. 

Handpoking traditionally was used in many different ways than it is today. Culturally it was used with plant thorns, animal bone, charcoal, ash & plant material from natures ground. Today, It is more commonly used with a simple sterile disposable needle, hand & chosen brand of ink.

* I use a 100% vegan ink with very little ingredients & organic pigment. 

The technique of handpoking in comparison to a machine gun takes time, and although a slower process, handpoking heals quicker & can be a very gentle process, allowing you to relax deeper into the space of receiving.

It is always my intention to create a space that is blissful, peaceful and calming so you can melt away throughout the session.

I deeply acknowledge that this is not my own and is borrowed and shared amongst others for healing & evolution of our humanness.

I respect all elders past, present & emerging born into these traditions, their lineages & beyond. I continue to dedicate time to educating myself, learning about & sharing their deeply inspiring stories.

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“you are really the most sacred, of all sacred artworks. My intention is for this process to activate this potent remembrance.”